Lotus 8 on CBC News Radio One

On April 21st, 2023, the Lotus 8 Esports team made an appearance on Information Radio – MB with Marcy Markusa. Matt from Crimson Lotus and Jehan from New Frontier E-Sports & Entertainment were guests on the show, discussing Lotus 8’s recent qualification for the Apex Legend Global Series Year 3 Split 2. The team will be representing Winnipeg, Manitoba at a global level, competing for a chance to win 1 million dollars USD in the LAN finals in London, England.

During the show, Matt and Jehan shared their insights into the world of esports management and the challenges that come with competing at a professional level. They also talked about the importance of teamwork and dedication when it comes to achieving success in esports.

Click here to listen in to the Lotus 8 segment at CBC News Radio One…

Lotus 8’s qualification for the Apex Legend Global Series Year 3 Split 2 is a major accomplishment for the team and the city of Winnipeg. It shows that esports is a growing industry, and that Canada has the talent and dedication to compete on the global stage.

Overall, the Lotus 8 Esports team’s appearance on Information Radio – MB with Marcy Markusa was a great opportunity for them to share their story and inspire others to pursue their dreams in esports. We wish them the best of luck in the upcoming competition in London, and look forward to seeing what the future holds for this talented team.