Partnered Colleges

Benefits of the Partner College Network

  • Recruitment Access : Gain access to a curated pool of high-potential esports athletes eager to find a college to call home.
  • Scouting Reports : Players showcase their skills, achievements, GPAs, ,education interests, and performance analytics.
  • Annual PMM Training Sessions : Members receive three free workshop sessions with our Performance Meditation, Fitness/Mobility, and Mental Performance Coaches. Workshops cover performance meditation, mobility and conditioning, and self-confidence building.
  • Performance Mindset Mindfulness (PMM) Session Discounts : 25% Discount: Book custom-tailored sessions with our Performance Mindset Mindfulness Coaches at a discounted rate.
  • Promotional Opportunities : Monthly Highlighted Profile on the official Lotus 8 Website (Must request as spots are limited) Spotlight your school's program in our Showcases
  • Invitation to our virtual in-network Collegiate Rocket League tournaments

Our Partnered Colleges