Wellness Assessments

Our Wellness Assessment is an evaluation tool designed to understand each individual’s unique wellness needs. This assessment allows us to gather insights into various aspects of your mental and physical well-being. By evaluating your specific needs, we can connect you with the right Performance Mindset Mindfulness (PMM) coaches and recommend the most suitable Boost Programs.

Why Take the Wellness Assessment?

  • Receive custom-tailored sessions that address your specific wellness needs.
  • Be matched with PMM coaches who specialize in areas most relevant to your development.
  • Gain a holistic understanding of your wellness, encompassing mental, physical, and emotional health.

Weekly Wellness Check-In

Confidentiality: The information provided in this form will be kept confidential and only be shared with designated individuals at Lotus 8 Esports to provide support and assistance.

If you share that you need assistance with your health, resources can be provided. Please note that wellness staff are mandated to report to the proper authorities if you're having serious thoughts of harming yourself or others.



In case of an emergency, provide the name and contact information of someone we can reach out to on your behalf.



